
  • Long Term Storage and SSDs August 11, 2016

    Solid State Devices have increased in popularity especially over the last few years, largely due to the large increase in data transfer speeds they afford. It is now common for many computers and laptops to be sold with an SSD and a traditional rotating hard disk drive. Read more

  • Cloud Storage and Data Security August 5, 2016

    The ever increasing uptake of cloud storage services as expected, has seen a decrease in what is called traditional data loss incidents, which includes hard disk failures. There are now however, increasing concerns over security, especially as many of the services being used, store the data on public servers. Read more

  • Atomic Level Data Storage Demonstrated August 1, 2016

    For many years the storage at the atomic level has been seen as the Holy Grail, promising a huge increase in possible data density. The Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have published research giving the first practical demonstration capable of storing 1KB of data. Read more

  • Camera Memory Cards and USB Devices July 26, 2016

    Almost everyone taking a holiday, a wedding or even just a day trip somewhere tend to take a device capable of capturing digital photographs, sometimes taking a hundred or more photos in a single day. While the quality or subject of many of these photographs and videos are of dubious value, each one captures a unique moment, most of which we want to keep. Often, copies are uploaded to social media sites, but in many cases with a loss in resolution, so the original image or video may still be extremely important. Read more

  • Dangers of Summer Heat July 20, 2016

    The recent hot weather can be very bad for computers, in particular the hard disk drives contained in them. Although many companies have air-conditioning, there are an alarming number who do not and when the outside temperature rises, an office containing one or more computers can become excessively hot. At home very few people have air-conditioning, meaning that most home computers will also suffer from high temperatures. Read more

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